Would I write Mr. First Lastname %26amp; Mr. First lastname or send two separate invites.. one to each?
How do you properly title a wedding invite to a gay couple?
If they live together, then I'd do "Mr. John Smith %26amp; Mr. John Doe". If they don't live together then I think it would depend on how open they are about their relationship. Out and proud: same as above. Secret lovers: two separate invites.
Reply:If these two are a serious couple (like married or living together) then I supect they would be delighted to recieve a joint invitation which treats them as a couple. Write it like this:
The pleasure of the company of
John Smith and Gerry Dawes
is requested at a small dance
to celebrate the marriage of ... etc etc etc
You can address the envelope the same way. If one or both have long names and it's hard to fit both on one line, then use a seperate line for each name, like this:
Jonathan Fitzwilliam Boyd-Smith and
Germanicus Antonelli Dawes
If they are merely dating and consider themselves to be single, then each should recieve his own personal invitation just like hetero single people.
Reply:Outer Envelope?
Mr. John Smith
Mr. James Doe
123 Maple Street
Anywhere, GA 12345
Inner Envelope? That should be what you call them to their faces. Do you call them Mr. Smith and Mr. Doe? In that case, the inner envelope should be:
Mr. Smith and Mr. Doe
Do you call them by their first names? It would be:
John and James
Are they family? In would be:
Uncle John and Uncle James
Reply:I like Mr. First Lastname %26amp; Mr. First lastname.
Perfectly respectful.
Reply:I would write to Mr's Jones %26amp; Smith for example or do as you said. I think they would be offended to recieve two seperate invite if they are couple.
Reply:One invite (total) to both Mr. Jack Jones and Mr. Sam Smith. I would put the names in alphabetical order.
Reply:The same as any couple who do not share a last name.
Mr. John Jones and Mr. Shawn Smith
Reply:the same way you would any other couple.
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