Invite SCINTISTS, Can science stop physical DEATH of any living thing forever?
Not at the present time, and probably not ever. If death is not caused by predators or disease, it will come because the cells of the organism (except for sex cells) can reproduce only a limited number of times. When autosomal DNA replicates, a few bases are left off the end of the new copy. There are a number of extra bases in the original DNA, so the loss is not a problem until all the extras are gone. When they are gone, you start losing vital information; lose enough of it and the cell dies. Sex cells use a special enzyme called telomerase to re-construct the lost bases, so they can reproduce indefinitely.
This is, incidentally, the reason that the biblical stories of people living for hundreds of years are false.
Reply:Have you heard of (PCD) Programmed cell death. Like the body has DNA that is coded to allow the body to grow in a certain manner and function in a certain manner. Similarly the DNA also has codes for the cells to stop functioning and disintegrate, eventually leading to death.
Actually as long as we are living there is a process called metabolism that goes on in the body. The process of metabolism has 2 parts to it Anabolism and Katabolism. During Childhood there is more anabolism and less katabolism. When one gets old this process is reversed. that is, there is more katabolism than anabolism. All metabolism is controlled by hormones that is controlled by the brain.
Yoga is said to give you such powers that one can controll one's brain to a great extent that can in turn control metabolism. That means delaying the process of death to a very large extent.
The other way to stop death would be by tampering with the right genes.
Thus answer to your query is that stopping physical death may be possible.
Reply:the question is can science give life to something i mean not just motion as in motors i mean creating a new creature that can live and think his own way offcourse no
so u cant stop what u dont have control over death is inevidible thats what life is all about ,insted of wasting our times trying 2 stop it we should invest this time in making good deeds 4 human kind 2 give our species a better life than ours
Reply:No. Sorry, bubba, but death is inevitable. Now, do you want it prolonged at any cost? At what quality? You can't have both. Give me quality of life with inevitable death any day! I refuse to linger here as a vegetated living corpse drooling down my chin. That is what 'medical science' can give us -- basically nothing.
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