
Monday, October 12, 2009

Who do you invite to the rehersal dinner?

We have a lot of people coming in from about an hour and 1/2 away and spending the night. Should they all be invited?
Who do you invite to the rehersal dinner?
Hi. Here is the list of who is invited to the rehearsal dinner.

Everyone involved IN the wedding:

~ bridesmaids and groomsmen AND their spouse, fiance, or significant other.

~ flower girl and ring bearer AND their parents, of course.

~ if anyone is doing a reading, playing the piano, etc.....they should also be invited IF they are participating in the rehearsal. However, if you are paying them for a service (like a church organist), you do not have to invite them.

~ Parents/step-parents of both the bride and the groom.

~ Grandparents (optional)

~ It is totally up to YOU if you want to invite the minister and his wife. Some people do....some do not. It's a nice gesture, but optional.

~ Also, any out of town FAMILY can be invited, but it's totally optional. You do NOT invite out of town guests. Even if they are driving/flying in from a distance. Again, out of town FAMILY can be invited, but again, it's optional.

Good luck!
Reply:Why not?
Reply:you're not obligated to invite people from out of town. just the people who actually need to rehearse the ceremony, and their dates/guests
Reply:It's really up to the Groom's family. Normally, it's the wedding party with their immediate family or date if they are single, the couple's parents and other immediate family members, along with the minister, organist and their spouses.
Reply:Immediate, close family and members of the bridal party. Don't over-spend!
Reply:Only those who need to rehearse for the wedding and the parents.
Reply:It's up to you! (Errrr, and to whoever's paying, if that's not you!). My FI and I are paying for our rehearsal dinner, and will be inviting everyone our parents and anyone who's in the ceremony, and their families. This means our two groomsmen and their wives and kids (one of them is my FI's bro anyway, and his daughter is our FG), the bridesmaids and their hubbies, both sets of parents, the pastor and his wife (who we are close to), our two friends who are doing prayers/readings, our two friends who are acting as photographers, and our friend who will be videotaping (and his wife). We may have one or two folks who are flying in from out of town as well, but only if they are family or very close friends.

However, another option is to do a backyard BBQ dinner and invite all the out-of-towners as well. It wouldn't be expensive, but it would be fun!
Reply:Immediate family and members of the wedding party (bridesmaids and groomsmen)
Reply:the rehearsal dinner is for the wedding party and the bride's and groom's parents.

However, it is nice to invite your sibs and their SOs/Spouses and kids and your out of town guests.

really you can invite whoever you want. As long as whoever is hosting/paying for the dinner is alright with it.
Reply:Depends on a few things. In the South, you invite everyone who is traveling. Other places, just the people in the wedding party. What I'm doing: Wedding party and my relatives that are traveling. Virtually everyone is driving, but my family is all having to fly out. Groom's mom is paying for the rehearsal dinner, but my dad will pay for extra of his family members.
Reply:those that are involed in the wedding

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