
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Columbia university can invite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

to speak, and has done so with all his Anit american, anti Jewish talk.

Congress has the right to cut off tax payer funds to the college.

I hope they do.
Columbia university can invite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Columbia is a private university. Beyond that there is no reason that they can't invite a controversial figure for a discussion, it gives the public a forum to question that person and express their feelings to them.
Reply:I have to admit....and my fingers are cramping at the very thought of typing this...but,I think Bollinger was brutal.....correct...but was the clapping idiots in the audience that got my goat....and no amount of removal of funds are going to get the radical left to open their eyes....until the bomb goes off in their own backyard.

The only thing they booed was the comment on gays.....there you go, I think that sums it up...
Reply:I dont hope they do that...that would be a travesty. Did u hear the questions, and comments, that the president of the university posed. wow...he sure did sock it to ahmadinejad.
Reply:I'm pretty sure that Congress doesn't provide many taxpayer funds to Columbia University at all, which is a private institution by the way. I doubt that would have much of a financial impact on its decisions, nor should it.
fantasy name

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